Our tuscan dream

About us

Thanks for taking the time to visit our website and find out more about us.

We are Scott and Monika and we welcome you to Villa TRAMONTALBA, our little piece of heaven in Tuscany.

In December 2022, after a few years of planning and many many years working and saving-up intensively, we moved to Italy to start a new exciting chapter of our lives in our favourite part of the world. 

Like many, we often talked about living in a warmer country, changing the pace of life, moving away from the typical ‘9 to 5’ routine . A place with wonderful weather, food, drink. A place with great travel opportunities left, right and centre. Somewhere rich in culture and with wonderful people all around us. In short, we want to live our best lives. But not just for us – also for our family, our friends and others. Life’s too short and we are determined to create the best life possible for us and those around us, and being here in Tuscany is a key part of that.

We believe in living the dream, not just dreaming it. We believe actions speak louder than words and we didn’t want to get to retirement age or beyond and still be dreaming of a better life. So we decided to create it now – and that’s why we are here.


Villa Tramontalba Montescudaio

Why we choose this particular place

Having holidayed in Tuscany with our children over many years, we were naturally drawn here.

There is so much to do and see here that we know we’ll never be bored. Whether in the immediate vicinity or further, our villa is the perfect place for exploring the best of what Tuscany has to offer. And beyond! It’s also the perfect place to do absolutely nothing if we so choose.

Moving to another country, away from immediate family and friends, isn’t easy and we didn’t want to lose touch with anyone. We wanted to stay close. With Pisa airport just 45 minutes away (and Florence just 90 mins) , we have great connectivity to our homelands, England and Poland, and our friends all across Europe (and even the world) meaning that we will never feel cut off or isolated. In fact, we have created a new life where we actually see more of our family and friends.

When buying the Villa we saw so much potential. It’s a wonderful Villa in an amazing location. We have spent the first year since moving here investing in making the Villa our Villa. Our home.

We always try to have a positive impact in life. On our own life and that of those around us. Creating a wonderful place to stay, to relax, to explore is central of that. Our new home is the perfect place to get together with family and friends and create new memories together.

We are environmentally aware and we want to take positive action here too. As part of this goal we have invested heavily in photovoltaic panels to try to be as self-sustainable as possible. We aim to generate all our own electricity to power the house, the new air conditioning system (which we know is important to ensure all our guests have the comfort they want and deserve on holiday), and to power our electric car (and those of our guests too, of course!).

We are not a corporation or agency with multiple business properties, we are a family who have been fortunate enough to be able to buy a lovely house in Tuscany which want to share with others. We live here (when it’s not rented, of course 🙂 ). It is our home.

We invite you to stay at our home, our dream property, and get a taste for both our life and the life you can have if you live in this wonderful corner of the world.

Did you know?

The name of our Villa celebrates our move to this wonderful part of the world.

TRAMONTALBA is a made-up name we created ourselves deriving from two Italian words. The first for Sunset (Tramonto) – celebrates the amazing sunsets we see here from the Villa, and the second Sunrise (Alba) which signifies the new chapter we are starting here in our life here in Tuscany.

We invite you to TRAMONTALBA to experience the sunset, the sunrise, and so much more, for yourself.

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Infinity Pool

The Infinity Pool

We are nearing the infinity pool completion now, and are fully on track to have it ready well in time for the rental season, so

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